Wednesday, October 12, 2011

TV Commercial Discussion 10/12/11

Choose three TV advertisements to discuss in class.



  • Kahlua

    I enjoyed this one because it's a little comical, and it plays on the exotic vibe of Kahlua. I've never really looked at it that way or thought about it that way before, but "exotic" is certainly a neat way to describe the experience of enjoying Kahlua.
  • Playstation 3

    I think this commercial is really intense and very cool. It's a very artsy and graphic display of all the capabilities of the Playstation 3, from video games to the Blu Ray player to the "Playstation Home" Social Network. The driving rock music fits with the animation and it closes with an image of the product along with its price. Overall, very cool.


  • Cadillac

    I really don't know what they were trying to do. They race an Escalade against a Mercedes C-Class, two vehicles that are in two completely different segments. The style, price, power and weight are completely different and a drag race shows nothing about the capabilities of either vehicle. Sure, one is faster but this makes no difference to consumers. This goes beyond the stylized "racing" they show in other car commercials. This isn't stylized at all. I don't know if it was this class, but I remember being told that it's better not to mention your competition in your advertising. This just seems like they're saying, "We'll do anything to try to say we're better." Cadillac claims that they were "having a little fun in demonstrating the Escalade’s capabilities" and "illustrating that attention to performance extends beyond the V Series (Cadillac's performance range)." No one buys an SUV for speed and performance, and if they really wanted to "illustrate their attention to performance" in the same format. they would have brought in an AMG, which is Mercedes' performance range.


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