Brainstorming Words

all sizes, pointy, heavy, dirty, weapon, P/R/S, Rock and Roll, Skipping stones, gray, outdoors, cliff, mountain, fossil, paper weight, rock climbing, smooth, various colors, rock star, Grand Canyon, pebbles, Flintstones, splash, mines, gravel, hard, natural, throw, weight, heavy, rock/paper/scissors, outside, dirt, earth, diamond, music, seclusion, break, money, tough, wrestler, creek, fish bowl, sink, ocean mountains, Grand Canyon, earth, hard, Stonehenge, Chevrolet, rock and roll, mountain, volcano, pet rock, climbing, avalanche, roads, concrete, buildings, cliffs, spelunking, caves, batman, the thing, quarry, sand, ore, elements, gems, durable, lake, broken window, solid, mountains, paper weight, splash, anchor, gravel roads, river, ground, steady, cliff, chipped tooth, suspension, strong, build, chalk, gold, ripple, skip, natural, bam, wall, island, throw, imagination

Wooden Spoon:
spaghetti, family, sword fight, jousting, fire, puppet, swat, taste test, karaoke, chef, dig, strum, cook, handlebar mustache, rod, microphone, treasure, kitchen, sitting on the counter, mama mia, create, chocolate chip cookie dough, round, roll, air guitar, flag pole

Staple Remover:
office space, stapler, monster, fangs, sharp, pac man, mario, chomp, grappling hook, fax machine, copier, paper clips, TPS reports, mistakes, holes hammer, bite, dig, pry, crowbar, break-in, pinch, nail gun, secretary, weapon, closet

Mason Jar:
storage, food, jelly, glass, see through, cup, buttons, old fashioned, vegetables, grandma, rain catcher, lightening bugs, sweet tea, round gold lid, various sizes, lemonade, multi-purpose, crates, come in groups, air sealed, clear, thick, freezer, applesauce, glass, water, crystal, clear, clean, half-full, fireflies, plant, scoop, pour, garden, pottery, design, froit, candles, shiny, decoration, candy jar, breakable, romance, bugs, camping, jelly,container, lid, fragile, canning, vegetables, old, cup, dish, coin jar, holder, jam/jelly, preserves, dusty, storage, bugs, collectible, moonshine, air tight, hollow/empty, round, clear, lightening, bugs, various sizes, container, jam/jelly, lid, Grandma, berries, fruits, break, liquids, solids, full, mix, health, homemade, cooking, baking, pickles, canning, fresh, garden, country, trees, wild, clear, metal, unbreakable, butterfly, sunflowers, dream, open, jam, sun tea, sweet tea, imagination, peanut butter, jelly, fireflies, capture, summer, fish, night time, tomatoes, candy, potporri, swings, sand dollars, release, caterpillar, close, kaleidoscope, preserve, stars, garden, water, grandma, grandpa, water

Duct Tape:
gray, sticky, all purpose, DIY, hardware, broken quick fix, patterns, colors, dad's, strong, broken pipes, flip flops, tape ball, connects, tears easily, tape sound, huge roll, smell, adhesive, everlasting, shiny, metalic, glue, redneck fix, surprisingly strong, silver, fix sticky, strong, useful, round, wheel, fabric, doughnut, shiny, dresses, neon, repair, art, diverse, painful, waxy, creativity, flowers, window fixer, decoration, black, solution, rip, sticky, roll, silver, tool, repair, universal, well known, wallet, tape ball, boxes, packing, duck, clothing, shiny, silences, pranks, strong, tear-able, circle, strips, cheap, holds together, durable, handyman, costume, silver, handcuffs, speed tape, suit, wallet, decoration, quick fix, pipes, basement, ducks, leaks, punk rock, silence, gas, waxing, rednecks, rope, outer space, industrial, heavy duty, strong, sticky gummy, iconic, big, roll, sticky, hold adhesive, strong, glue, combine, ducks, colors, indestructible, red-green show, handy, secret weapon, hardware, tools, fix, leak, tear, fibers, feet, wallet, cover, photos, B&W, color, sepia, photoshop, wooden, colors, plastic, square, round, different sizes, landscapes, family, friends, hanging, on a table, memories, photo albums, glass, wire, room, wall, people, animals, ever lasting, handy man, leak, DIY, sticky, rolls, long, repairs, stretches, stripes, shiny, smooth, versatile, smart, clothing, rope, strong, silver, wallet, duck, mouth tape, package, tapeball, adhesive, boxes, cheap, well known, silence, pranks, tearable, circle, universal, durable, decoration, handcuffs, divider, hair, remover, armour, rednecks, flipflops, dad, iconic, grey, all purpose, basement, tape sound, rip, sticky hands, weird smell, stringy, patterns, fibers, industrial, double sided, flexible, first aid
Deck of Cards: 
poker, go fish, black, red, suits, royal flush, black jack, gambling, house of cards, thin, 52, jokers, face cards, jacks, queens, kings, Vegas, casinos, shuffling, card dealers, games, childhood, messy, small size, decks, casino, poker, Vegas, late night, Oceans movies, blackjack, I am the Messenger, Ace of Spades, tattoos, motorcycles, mobsters, limousines, lady luck, chips, money rolls, cigarettes, neon lights, gambling, magic, shuffling, cheating, "lock, stock, and two smoking..., dive bar, pool, darts, magic, card house, rectangle, Vegas, poker, Ace, King, Queen, Jack, counting cards, numbers, bicycle, Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades, black, red, gambling, fun, strategy, 52, games, magic, gambling, shuffle, casino, royals, luck, lose, mental, challenge, entertainment, obsession, status, snap, grouped, values, tarot, fan, solitaire, cash coaster, castle, cut with, obsession, addiction,swish, poker face, money, king, flip, pyramid, dealer, dominoes, trick, flash, joker, royalty, gambling, casino what happens in Vegas..., casino, hide out, pitch, cut, 52, cut, shuffle, queen, black suites, red

smell, girly, strong, sophisticated, purple, expensive, present, money, bright, love, fruit, special occasion, flowers, scented, body splash, models, celebrities, cologne, chic, magazine ads, varied, old women, scent, sweet, cocoa, might, feminine, alluring, sexual, confidence, personal, spray, mist, aroma, fashion, clean, liquid, luxury, exclusive, beauty, chemical, fragrance, identity, mark, nose, neck, long lasting

disc, disc golf, ultimate, dogs, outdoors, extreme, childhood, fast, exercise, running, park, nice weather, picnic, round colors, flying, aim, jumping, catching, spinning, dog tricks, quick paced, flying saucers, boomerangs, glow in the dark, twirl, fly, bright, spin, round, summer, golf, UFO, sports, children, recess, speed, throw, dish, disc, tricks, parties, barbecues, fast, dog, fetch, park, club sport, plate, 80's, sunshine, P.E., disk, fly, field, whistle, golden retriever, Frisbee golf, arch, Kansas State, wind suit, hot guys, boomerang, celebrate, ultimate, park, soar, outside, team, wind, spring, beach, neighborhood

Jewel CD Case:
music, clear, plastic, cheap, light, protective, colorful, square, rectangle, circle, thin, container, custom, downloading, burn disc, folds, hinge, closes, office supplies, replacement, breakable, discs, buy multiple, variety, jewels, mix CD, scratches, girlfriend, crush, music, game, files, top secret, codes, spies, local band, demo, photos, Frisbee, colors, transparent, shim, plastic, rocking out, high school, cracks, mirror, protection, book, plastic, hard, protective, safe, transparent, look like wings, universal, clean scratch resistant, stacks, shatter proof, security, CD home, shuts, squeaks, Frisbee, weapon, fan, known, coaster, picture frame, memories, music, 

fire, matches, power outages, light, light bulb, wax, wick, jar, caveman, romantic, dinner, night, day, smell, flavors, dripping, flames, smoke, lighten, extinguish, water, blow out, colors, decorative, ambiance, round, colorful, long, scented, wax, sword, old, fairytale, wick, burn, decoration, fire, mood, romantic, unite, family, centerpiece, birthday, blow, wind, light, matches, dark, celebration, flavors

Nail Polish:
nails, color, shine, bottle, brush, paint, manicure, pedicure, relax, spa, date, beauty, vanity, bathroom, hair, make-up, blow drier, night clubs, routine, women, shopping, shoes, rings, jewelry, french manicure

SLR Camera:
travel, black/white, settings, macro lens, wide angle lens, memory card, lens cap, camera case, models, photo shoots, magazines, versatility, user friendly, manual settings, automatic settings, not a point and shoot, live mode, view finder, pop-up flash, higher models, friends, framing, professional, edit, Photoshop, discovery, explore, adventure, camera, memories, digital, lens, flash, picture, focus, zoom, prints, high quality, memory card, lens cap, display screen, photo, investment, images, clarity, smiles, battery powered, accessories, Photoshop, computer, hobby, pose, resolution, flash, shutter, lens, photo, performance, precision, shoot, slick, burst, events, models, sports, art, hipsters, posing, tripod, mono-pod, strap, engineering, fine tune, accessories, hobby, editor, filter, light, SLR, photography, fast, large angle, lens compatible, shutter speed, amateur, professionals, quality, contrast, sports, dark, fireworks, digital, Photoshop, LCD screen, flash, Coolpix, HD, memories, pictures, big, expensive, battery life, diverse, flash, photos, expensive, black, digital, regular, film, black/white, color, special occasions, prom, photographers, journalists, professionals, lens, say cheese, pose, models, magazines, ads, tripod, dark room, portraits, family, zoom, shoot, photo, scene, landscape, capture, visualize, pictures, black, highlights, flash, lenses, capabilities, shutter, speedy, automatic, manual, sports, action, digital, 3D, exposure, pixels, accessories, professional, pricey

Label Dots:
organize, color, neon, noticeable, office, paper, pencils, pens, work, school, study, folders, desk, chair, sticky, round, small, orange, green, yellow, pink, versatile, events, dates, label, bright, colorful, vibrant, circle, dot, organize, schedule, highlight, cheap, sticky, files, papers, calendar, important dates, special occasion, important paperwork, cheap, removable, price marking, pack, fun, exciting, eve catching, bundle, colors, candy, markers, highlighters, textbook, alert, important, notes, rainbow, post-it, labels, bookmark, confetti, studying, office, desk, decorate, sprinkles, bright, flash, neon, fluorescent, eye-catching, glow, colorful, organize, decorate, round school, little kids, small, week, calendar, office supplies, notebook, agenda, cheap, bulk, circles, stamps, fingernails, spotty, artsy, planner, color-code, special occasions, dates, pretty, sticky, neon, bright, sticky, stickers, circles, organize, cheap, peel, map, documents, garage sale, labels, dots, office supplies, $1.00, colors, price tags, markers, highlighters, Avery, tabs, calendars, planner, notes, sale, bright, price, garage sale, office, supplies, flagging, notice, sticky, desk, multiple sheets, plastic package, drawer, supplies, office depot, sizes, dibs, statement, adhesive, sticky sound, write-on, round, multi-colored, neon, rows/columns, band-aid

silver, hard, stone, cold, round, infinitive, love, personal, gift, shiny, decorative, jewelry, symbolic, precious, forever, durable, fashion, feminine, weddings, engagements, couples, hands, fingers, commitment, circle,

Make-up Brush:
soft, hairy, tickles, make-up, bronzee, beaut, vanity, pride, appearance, morning, evening, ritual, routine, clubbing, dress up, heels, feminine, secrets, face, body, identity photos, art, tool, compact

fire, burn, pain, danger, plastic, metal gas, explosive, cigarette's, hot, flame, hand size, compact, ignition, candles, lights, addiction, scars, smoke, destruction, human made, "lighters up", concert, respect, German fighter, "Come on Baby Light My Fire"

Staple Remover:
teeth, sharp, piercing, crocodile, office, snaps, tool, removes, tears, pulls, quick, easy, steel, strong, grabs, tactful, force, pressure, attack, precise, stationary, school, work, simply, boring, not versatile

Hair Straightener:
straight, hot, shiny burn, thin, light weight, ceramic, going out, dancing getting ready, shower, smooth, brush, hair, hair dryer, flat iron, smoke, thick, mane, soft, curl, skinny, plug in, electric, turn off

Piggy Bank:
money, change, coins, pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, pink, round, clink, full, savings, miss piggy, shiny, breakable, cork stopper, childhood, ice cream, heavy, ceramic, different colors, bows, patterns, cowboy pig toy story

Laundry Detergent:
clean, laundry, washer, blue, liquid, powder, fresh, smells, dirty clothes, socks, dryer, orange tub, mom, folding clothes, laundromats, quarters, spinning, laundry day, chores, 45 minutes, colors, whites, pink socks, soap, bubbles

read, light, imagine, candle, decorative, fire, snuggle, light bulb, home, shade, dark, switch, ignite, night, focal pint, idea spotlight, blanket, utility, TV, hot, warm on/off, shadow figures, decorative

never before..., color, create, imagination, draw, characters, story, no mess, picture, childhood, artist, backpack, read, washable, cook, rainbow, crayola, book, kid friendly, fantasy, dream, eight, design, write, fun, hello kitty, cartoon, bright, toy isle, original

jingle sound, secrets, padlock, ace, brass, blue and blue, lost, map, push to start, directions, metal, diary, key ring, car, hardware, store, box, mailbox, key hole, door, open, ignition, lock, code, printed keys, padlock

Light Bulb:
light, bulb, bright, illuminate, glass, hair, round, watt, lamp, breakable, idea, screw, fixture, cheap, variety, clear, important, indoor, outdoor, simple, white, different colors, switch, pack, lamp shade

Wireless Mouse:
click, left click, right click, scroll button, ball, computer, hand, wireless, easy, pad, desk, laser, cursor, small, navigate, mice, trap, cheese, variety, games, internet, office, battery, best buy, select

Push Pins:
push, pin, little, point, sharp, dangerous, hang, stick, colors, plastic, metal, office supply, desk, easy to use, easy to lose, cheap, wall, cork, pictures, paper, posters, tack, strong, balloon, painful

Guitar Pick:
rock, strings, fingers, guitars, bass, cellulose, plastic, concerts, bars,souvenier, cam shaped, shredding, weights, thickness, slide, fingernails, solo, gigs, shows, drumsticks, pick guard, wallet, pearl, pocket

External Hard Drive:
files, back-up, movies, music, pictures, wire, copy, space, terabytes, gigabytes, videos, transfer, USB, data, box, styling, sleek, case, durable, lights, stand, speed, reverse, beep, truck

Diesel Brand:
fashion, modern, contemporary, sleek, simple, strong, loud, heavy, black, shoes, shades, watches, jeans, jackets, belts, pump, yellow, fuel, tank, pricey, efficient, suits, run, power, torque

wood, rock, concerts, loud, skinny, splinters, break, band, rhythm, twirl, time, light, drum set, music store, percussion, souvenir, pound, musician, autograph, dented, candlestick, throw, beat, backbone, dream

Plastic Crate:
colorful, moving, box, light, packing, stack, plastic, college dorm, book shelves, tower, food box, cheap, bulk, storage, easy, decorative, movable, build, fort, durable, useful, pretty, hide and seek, holes, carry